Running the Cloud: Providing Unparalleled Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud Solution Services

Our Approach

Digital Edge is exceptionally committed to the most flexible Hybrid Cloud solutions for Enterprise customers. Introducing Digital Edge’s Managed Cloud, we provide our clients live servicing in real-time, with our 24/7 support operation and advanced automation techniques meanwhile combining the capabilities of our infrastructure as a service. This application can not only help solve your problems, but our management also ensures all information to be private and secure which will prove to be very valuable to your company.

We are not AWS or Azure or anybody else. Our company strives to satisfy any needs of any company, not objectifying to small businesses. We closely integrate and engage with our clients' IT operation that leads to better efficiency of the overall solution. Our cloud clients get enterprise level support, with industry leading SLAs, all while operations are being processed according to ISO framework. VMware vCloud allows Digital Edge to integrate personally with our clients, while seamlessly providing full advantage of VMware functionality and compatibility. If they choose to do so, Enterprise Clients can also keep their open source platforms and benefit from maximum savings without sacrificing any efficiency, privacy or performance due to vCloud. 

The clients that want to achieve multiple savings can be deployed on the open source high availability cluster with our advanced cloud services.


Based on our data, Digital Edge delivered 100% uptime on all our vCloud clusters for the past 5 years, and we will continue providing the best industry reliability and performance benchmarks. Because The Digital Edge technical support team providers take proactive measures with our proprietary cloud services monitoring solution, we ensure that our cloud prevents creating any problems before a critical situation arises.
Digital Edge also operates in multiple geographically diversified clusters. Each location has 2 high availability clusters - one based on VMware vCloud and one based on the open source technology. 

Digital Edge has a copious amount of automation added to the standard virtualization stack and tools that allows us and our partners to easily manage your cloud systems, in addition to, providing extra security, privacy and compliance enhancements. 

Security, privacy and compliance are Digital Edge’s principal priority. Maintaining control and regulations are difficult traditionally, and is even more challenging to do it in the cloud. The Digital Edge team is proficiently experienced in government regulations, controls, and compliance in multiple industry verticals such as Financial, Health, Manufacturing, E-commerce and others. We own and operate multiple tools and technologies helping clients to maintain required security, privacy and compliance controls within our cloud computing system.


In the last few years, were your cloud systems available 100%? Are they performing at the optimum expected level all the times? Running in the cloud is not about SSDs, best performance, fastest hardware, huge infrastructure or some brand names; running in the cloud is all about reliability. Solid cloud structure should power your infrastructure, so it runs the same predictable way as it was planned. It should provide to be the perfect platform for your business. 

To Help You Decide

It is extremely hard to make a decision to move services, with so many variables like time invested, unknown relationships, potential issues, and you may be busy with so many other priorities. But when you know that it is time for something better, even though it is difficult, you can easily contact us at Digital Edge. Because we will be your reliable partner to ensure that any transitions you desire will be easy and without interruption of previous cloud services, using our cloud server will prove to be a beneficial networking deal. 

In general, hosting your own hardware can take up a great deal of space, which cost money to maintain, can increase business rent cost, and constantly has to be under management. Investing in the cloud could file away some of those issues. Everything will be under our management, however it will be private and solely for your company. We understand the concern with privacy but it is assured that under our management, everything will be safe. You can explore our website to find many more articles that may spark your interest on all the other things we have to offer.  

Let our free “Proof of Concept” Program show you how valuable Digital Edge’s resources can be to your business. We can build your test-drive environment, so you can experience firsthand our cloud software online and see why we are so proud of what we have to offer.

Let's talk: +1 (718)-370-3353

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